Today we'll start with the national unemployment problem.
First we need to set to set some rules about what unemployment, participation rates and non-participation all really mean.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) unemployment is defined as being over 16, not on Social Security, not working and actively seeking employment. At this time BLS says the unemployment rate is 7.6%.
BLS says the "Civilian" Participation Rate (CPR) is 63.7% today. This is defined as Total Adults divided by Total Population minus Population Under 18. A very, very big number - which leads one to assume that there must be millions and millions of people not working in the Country. Which is to a great degree misleading. We need to define who in the CPR are really Non-participants and who have given up looking for a job.
1. 52.5 million people are on Social Security and not looking for work
2. 8.363 million Adult Illegal Aliens are in the USA and not counted
3. 11.75 million Adults are attending college full time not looking for
4. 2.27 million Adults are in prison or long term jail.
For a total of 74.88 million people not looking for work but have not
dropped out of the work force. If you add these 74.88 million to the population under 18 and then divide that by total population you get 27%. Then subtract the unemployment rate and you get 19.2%. Which the BLS says is the Adult Non-participation Rate. Then take the Total Population and subtract the Under 18 population and all on Social Security recipients and the Unemployed and multiply by 19.2%. This comes out to 33.18 million people.
But we're still not done we still have to remove the College Students, the Illegal Aliens and those Incarcerated which leaves 10.67 million people who have dropped out of the work force. These 5.7% who are not actively looking for work must be added to the 7.6% who are classified as Unemployed for a Total Unemployment of 12.7% or 24.98 million people.
The 5.7% who have dropped out are no longer receiving unemployment but are now on food stamps and other assistance. The Unemployed are receiving both. These people make up 53.1% of all Americans collecting food stamps.
Work Sheet
Calendar Year 2012
Title Percentage Total
Total Population 100.00% 314,000,000
Under 18 23.70% 73,418,000Over 65 on SS 13.80% 33,832,000
Over 62 on SS 2.93% 9,215,425
Unemployed 7.60% 14.214,628
Non-participating 19.20% 33,181,430
Illegal Aliens 3.90% 11,000,000
Children 23.70% 2,607,000
Adults 76.30% 8,393,000
Adults in College 3.74% 11.374,000
Adults Incarcerated .72% 2,270,000
Real Non-participation Rate 5.76% 10,768,430
Total Working Adults in USA 32.77% 153,853,145
Government Workers 7.60% 11,692,839
Private sector workers 92.40% 142,160,306
Workers per SS recipient 2.93/1
Average income per Person $24,085.00
Average SS tax per year $2.505.00
SS Tax rate 2012 10.40%
Government SS receipt $385,377,151,012.00
Average SS check per person $1,476.00
Total SS paid out 2012 $775,600,000,000.00
SS paid out of general income $390,222,488,958.00
SS Trust Fund balance 2011 $4,800,000,000,000.00
SS Trust Fund balance 2012 $4,601,777,151,014.00
US Population Growth Rate .70%
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